We are glad to share our recent website changes to enhance usability on mobile devices. We are migrating many of our web pages to ones which are very mobile friendly - ie load fast, less graphics, formatted for narrower screens and W3C compliant for mobile 1.2. These pages will allow users to "click to call" from their Android or Apple mobile devices. All pages have a link to our desktop / full website and the desktop sites have a link at the top of the page to our mobile site. You can reach our mobile site directly at m.gdcorp.com We have concluded that many of our customers are using their mobile "phone" devices to contact us and hope this improves the usability  of our site for all.  

Please forward any suggestions or comments to webmaster <at> gdcorp <dot> com

Garage Door Co Repair Pros is locally owned and based in Skokie, IL serving N/NW Chicago and Suburban IL and is NOT A FRANCHISE. "Simply competent service at a fair price" is not just our slogan but rather our goal every day. Primary service area is N/NW Chicago and Suburban IL including N/NW Chicago and suburbs - parts sales nationwide.
