The use of coupons in the garage door industry is becoming more common with the tough economy. Many of our competitors in the Chicago, IL area use coupons ($10 off any garage door spring repair, $25 off any garage door, etc).
We do not use coupons, "sales" or other gimmicks to sell our products and services.
We offer "Simply Competent Service at a Fair Price" tm -- our motto "NEVER A COUPON REQUIRED" tm
We eliminated all discounts and similar items over 10 years ago as they lead to poor marketplace ethics in our opinion. Occasionally a manufacturer (especially Liftmaster and Clopay) may offer a rebate or other incentive to our customers and we simply pass these promotions through to our customers who qualify. If you participate in a manufacturers rebate your personal information maybe used and/or sold by the manufacturer. If you are concerned about your privacy then do not respond to any "rebates" or other "mail in offers" by our vendors.
Our quoted pricing is the price you pay. You may choose to participate in any rebates or other manufacturers promotions subject to their terms and conditions.
If you are located in N/NW Chicago or suburbs contact us at for professional garage door service.