Liftmaster MyQ 13+ hour outage due to power failure 06/07/2018 really?

Garage Door Co Repair Pros has received numerous customer calls regarding the MyQ outage which occurred 06/07/2018 and lasted until 06/08/2018. In fact our own MyQ openers began failing at 1340 CDT 6/07/2018. Liftmaster reported on 06/07/2018 at 1656 CDT via email that they were aware of the problem and subsequently issued the comment below to explain the problem:  

Liftmaster MyQ outage and false push notifications 04/28/2015

Garage Door Co Repair Pros has received numerous customer calls regarding the MyQ false push notifications 4/28/15. Liftmaster reported on 4/28/15 via email that they were aware of the problem and subsequently issued the comment below to explain the problem:  

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